The first night after my first visit to the blue planet came, so I went to bed hoping that travel to repeat.
That night, my guide showed up to take me to the planet again, but this time it was to begin the instruction.
When we arrived the planet, I realized that Patricia and I where wearing some silver suits, similar to diving suits. The “blues” made us stand over a platform where we charged with the planet’s energy, which helped us on the training, and the suits began glowing with a blue light. The other kids that were on the planet, also were wearing those suits.
The kids who were already charged whit the planet’s energy, were gathered in groups of about 25 or 30 kids, sitting in circle with an instructor in the center. The instructors were of the same race of our guides (they were of blue energy).
On the planet there were a lot of blue people, and with several different vibrations (evolution). When more evolved they were, more wisdom they had and more close to white was their light.
The guides were the ones who had darker energy, the instructors’ energy was a bit whiter, and there were some other people with a light blue energy, almost white, that were teaching some particular knowledge, or teach something punctual to some of the kids.
From where we were, we could see about twelve groups of kids.
When we finished charging, we joined one of the groups, and when the circle was complete, the instruction began.
The first thing that they told us was that the situation on The Earth was very bad energetically, and if nothing was done about it, it would become worse day after day. In that moment, they showed us a hologram where we could see The Earth surrounded by a dark cloud. This cloud was the negative energy produced and attracted by humans, with all the bad things we’ve done for so long, such as wars, drugs, crimes, hate, envy, selfishness, etc.
After that, they told us although that situation was because of humanity, we shouldn’t focus on helping the civilization, but the planet itself. This was because the help and energy cleaning of the civilization was a task that belonged to other groups, other people who like us, had agreed to help the people and the planet in the ascension to the 5º dimension.
The work of those other groups complemented our work, because when we were helping the planet, The Earth could have a better and harmonic vibration, which finally affects the people who live on it. And in the other hand, the groups who were supposed to help the humanity, by doing this, they will lower or eliminate the energies that hurt the planet and start producing love energies that finally heals The Earth.
Then, in the hologram we saw some people surrounding The Earth and throwing light beams that began dissolving the dark cloud. With this image, the instructor said that those people would be us.
Once the cloud was dissolved, the hologram went bigger and enlarged a random area of The Earth, where we could see another group of people, who were helping in the physical cleaning of the planet after the energetic cleansing. They showed us, as if thousands of people (in that place, and a lot of other places around the world), were sweeping the wastes, but all in a metaphorical way, because this meant that once The Earth were energetically cleaned, the humanity would see all the corruptions, deceptions, hidden crimes, etc; and the humanity, with their mind cleared, would act to get rid of all the bad things that the governments and hidden controllers did for so much time.
This third group of people would be the ones who leave the planet ready for the ascension, with the physical cleaning and social structure reordered.
Once this was done, The Earth would be in peace and able to advance into the next evolution step, along with the humans that were in condition (vibration, loving heart), and so they wished this.
Some of the beings that were working in those groups, came from planets of grater vibration, and accepted to stand the lower vibration and born on The Earth, and help in the process of change.
Those beings would help a lot, because of their vibration, and that they don’t have to eliminate any kind of karma, and since the moment they born, they are already ready for their mission.
The instructors also warned us that we would find people who doesn’t want all this to happen, and they would try to keep us from complete our mission by creating fear in the humanity, with their power over mankind, in large scale (a country, region), or small scale (a single family, group of friends). This dark people, finally would be relocated in a planet accordingly to their vibration, because The Earth had already learned this stage’s lesson, and it disserved and wanted to keep growing. In this moment, we felt The Earth as a great being, with both male and female energy, but the female one was predominating, so we were encouraged to refer to The Earth as a “She”.
In the same way that some humans would advance along with The Earth, some of them would return to their home planets once the work is finished if they wanted so, and some of them could chose to go to a planet of greater vibration, due to their evolution advance in this experience.
Back to the training on the planet, the first thing that they taught us, was how to clean and energize ourselves, so we could “work” (do our mission of Earth cleaning) correctly. Even though each one of us would do it in a different and unique way, the process basically consisted in taking out the negative or dark energy, and fill with light or positive energy, in order to be balanced and able to do the planet cleaning in the best way possible.
One of the methods we were taught , was to create a dot of light in the chest, in the solar plexus, and make grow that dot into a sphere full of bright light, and keep doing this until the sphere is bigger than our body. Years after that, I knew that by doing this, you slowly activate your vehicle of light or Merkabah.
Once we are clean, if we let this light sphere active, it would act as a protection.
To do all the works with energy we did (to ourselves, or to the planet or other people), we used that blue light such as the one generated from the planet, and from time to time, white light.
Since that moment, when I took a look at myself, I saw myself with that blue energy (whether I was on that planet or not), being that energy what produced me a great peace, calm and relaxation.
Once energized, balanced and full of light, the next step was to illuminate the planet. We were taught many ways to do so, for instance, make the same process as we did to clean ourselves, but making grow the sphere bigger than The Earth; or bringing the energy as a receptor – transmitter (transforming the energy as we could take it, into an energy that The Earth could take); or just by sending light to the planet from the space, for which we needed to be astrally out of the planet.
This last one, it was the one that we practiced most (because we could gather cleaner energy from outside The Earth). We should take place outside the planet, far from the Earth’s contaminations (that sort of cloud seen before), we absorbed the energy of the surrounding space, the emitted by the sun, the stars, etc, everything had some energy we could use; we concentrate all that energy in a single beam, which could be assimilated by The Earth, using our astral body as the transmitter of that beam.
At the beginning we did this with the entire group along with the instructor, because we didn’t have enough control, capacity and practice, as to emit an energy that actually helps The Earth.
In this way, placed in a vertical circle, with the instructor in the center, we could concentrate a greater amount of energy, and the group work helped us to control better our energy and the energy transformation we needed to do. In the process, we also cleaned ourselves.
After many times of sending energy to The Earth like this, we were taught that we could use some tools that could help in cleaning, protecting, energizing us, and to transform, and enhance the energy we send. We were told that basically there were 7 groups of tools, but in that moment they would teach us to use only one of them, the so called “Ring of Power”.
This ring of power I used, is like a golden wedding ring, but with a cylindrical rod which pass through it diametrically (as a forbidden sign, but the rod in horizontal way). The size of this ring is such that one or more persons could be in it.
To activate it, you have to step in the middle (with the ring standing as a circular door), and put both hands on the rod. When both hands are put on the rod, the energy of the person grows greatly, and the ring begins rotating in all directions. It isn’t a movement that can be reproduced with a physical element, because the horizontal rod remains still, and the ring rotates over it’s 3 axes, giving the sensation that the person is inside a sphere. The most similar physical object I’ve seen is the gyroscope. Due to this movement and the visual effect that it produces, some people who had seen it, call it “The Atom” (I knew this several years later).
Once spinning, you can send a light beam as wide as the ring size or many times bigger, and with an incomparable intensity (way superior to what a single person could send with no help). The ring could also be used to attract energy, and irradiate it in a spherical way, among other uses. There are way too many utilities to write them all.
Apart from the Ring of Power, there are six other types of tools, as The Star (a five-pointed star), The David’s Star, The Chalice, The Lotus Flower, and a couple more that I don’t remember.
1 comentario:
Dear Daniel,
I just want to tell you that you are a very sweet person and i can see the love coming from your eyes.
Thank you for all your inspiring words and teaching us all your knowledge and experiences.
With love and light!
Zohra from holland
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