Before you begin reading this posts, I want to apologize for any mistake with the English language. I need you to try to feel and see the story behind the words, to receive the energy I put in this writing. This time I’ll need a small effort of your side, just because I’m not so confident as I’m when writing in Spanish.
The text you are about to read is what I consider my real life.
This is the first time I share this in a site. If you don't understand something please tell me and I'll try to explain a bit better.
It is a long text, but I didn't want to miss the main points of all these experiences.
During my whole life I did astral projections, both in conscious and unconscious way. I always did them during night, when no one was awake.
At the age of 14 (1994), one day when I went to sleep, I astrally got out of my body as I used to do some nights. The difference with this particular night was that there was a strange being awaiting me. This being seemed to be formed by a bright blue energy, a bit transparent, and it had a human female shape, but she was about 3 meters high (10 feets). This being was glowing as if she were made of blue light and just by seeing her I felt the life energy that she emitted and all the love she had to share.
At the moment I saw her, I immediately remembered and recognized her as a guide of mine, someone who I knew for a very long time. I don’t remember her name, but in that moment I didn’t need to ask.
What I’ll write about the conversations, it’s only the main idea, what the message was, and not literally, because in that state (non physical) we don’t communicate with simple words, but feelings, images and ideas.
The first concrete thing she told me was that it was time for me to begin my training. In that moment I knew what she was talking about, although I didn’t remember exactly what this training meant.
After that, she took my hand, we went off my house and keep going up until we were outside the planet. When we got into the space, we met with my cousin Patricia (she is a year younger than me) who was with her guide, who looked just as mine, but with male energy and shape, and a bit taller.
Even though I’d never made an astral projection with my cousin before, not even spoke of it, I wasn’t surprised when I saw her there.
Once the four of us were together, our guides took us to a planet, similar to Earth but with blue energy glowing from it.
In that moment, we realized that The Earth was a planet which still has its vibration closer to red frequency (lower than the other planet).
This planet was smaller than The Earth, but the great difference was that you could really feel the life of the planet, and at the moment of our arrival we felt a connection with it. The planet transmitted peace and love to everyone who was on it. Another difference was that everything looked more alive there, the colors were more intense, as if they had life, the water, even though it was colorless, it glowed with blue energy, and the sky had a color between dark blue and violet.
I saw plants, trees, stones but no animal on the planet.
As we were told in that place, that planet was an instruction and monitoring planet, the people who lived on it, were instructors or worked “monitoring and controlling”, who were looking over the people who were training on the planet, and most important, looking over people on other planets and those other planets, controlling the life sustain and energy flows. And in the place where we were, all the people were working with The Earth.
As we were arriving at the planet, we saw that there were a lot of different “blue energy” beings, with many kids who looked about our age. There were also human-like beings on that planet, dressed with a white tunic, made of a cloth which appeared to be thick, heavy and opaque; with an orange belt.
When I saw the planet and the people on it, I felt as I knew that place and that people and I said: I’m Back!!!. But I didn’t remember anything about the planet, just familiar feelings and sensations, almost as a deja vu.
Once on the planet, we looked around us, and there were kids running, flying, and others that were arriving with their guides, just like us.
Just by seeing those kids flying, a blue guide as if he knew what we were about to ask, told us that as nobody had told those kids there was any physical constraint that keep them from flying, and they saw others doing it, they didn’t need anything but their desire to fly. He also told us that we could do the same on Earth, but first we must forget the physical laws human taught us, and leave our fears and doubts about what would happen if we couldn’t fly behind; he meant, that we needed to forget what was wrongly learned, to be able to create a new reality. Just after he said that, Patricia and I began flying.
A few minutes after that, they told us that first visit would be just to know (or remember) the place and those beings, get aligned with the planet's energy and the instruction would begin on the next visit to the planet.
A moment later, my guide went towards a building, which looked as a rectangular cube with smooth borders, opaque white and with an orange fringe (just as the human-like people’s tunics). I went to see what was inside that building, and when I entered, some beings told me that it was like an operations base, from which they monitored The Earth and other places in the solar system and around. Inside the building there was a soft orange light, which seemed to relax your eyes and allow the people to see clearer.
In that building, there were some sort of computers, that seemed to be holographic keyboards, and some holographic screens that were only a few millimeters away from the wall. In one of them, there was an image of a comet which was near the solar system.
In other part of the building, there were three blue beings who were facing a wall. When I got closer, I could see that there was a fracture on the wall, and those three “blues” were with their arms extended, and from their palms, came out energy beams with which they were fixing the wall. In that moment, one of the human-like persons told me that those blue beings had the capacity of taking the environment energy and transform it to do a lot of things, fixing the walls among them.
When I left the building, I heard Patricia calling me and also shouting “Darciel”. That was her guide’s name. Instantly I began running in her direction, but when I realize, I was flying at an awesome speed. When I arrived, Darciel told me not to worry, because Patricia frightened when she was flying and thought that on The Earth she would fall down, so she fell, but she was alright. After that, I asked her why she had called me that way, and she didn’t know what I meant. When I told her that instead of calling me Daniel, she called me 'Dian el', she told me that she hadn’t realized that she said that she just called me. In that moment, her guide Darciel, told us that Dian el was my real name, it was Dian-El (as a first name-last name conjunction). And that Patricia deep inside knew that was my name.
About that name, my parents always told me that my brother (who is 3 years older than me) got very angry when I was named Daniel instead of the name he wanted to give me: Dianel. And my parents say that he was shouting: “I don’t want to call him Dianel, his name IS Dianel.” So with this later confirmation, I could say that my brother knew me before I was born, or at least he was told who I was.
When we returned to The Earth, I arrived home and get back into my body. By that moment, it was already daylight and my mother was entering my room to wake me up because I had to go to high school.
When I opened my eyes, I thought it all had been a dream, but next to my mother it was the blue being who had taken me to that planet, and just in that moment, I remembered all and realize that it really happened.
Once I was back from school, I phoned Patricia to tell her what I remembered about the night before, and as I was telling her, she was remembering the same. It was my second confirmation that all I lived that night had been real.
During all day I felt happier than ever in my entire life, and with an indescribable peace and joy, and I couldn’t wait the night to come, wanting my travel to repeat.
That night, my guide showed up to take me to the planet again, but this time it was to begin the instruction.
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